NUET – Audiofly + Birds of Mind
We are bringing the warm vibes from the jungle of Tulum to Stockholm. We follow up our latest sold out night with Mind Against by flying in Audiofly and Birds of Mind for a very special Valborg experience at Berns.
From the sand in Nevada to the beaches of Tulum – Audiofly is in a class of its own. For over two decades, producers Anthony Middleton and Luca Saporito have created magic together. If you were lucky, you were one of those who got to experience them when came last year and created magic on a Thursday in Stockholm. Now they come back to take the big room at Berns with their friends Birds Of Mind. The French duo consisting of producers Alex H. & Adrian C. Alex is now coming to Stockholm for the first time. Together they compose a genre of music which is electronic, mostly nourished by the exploration of organic sounds and ancient chants. Their music offers a spiritual, peaceful and loving feeling, always close to the goodwill of nature.
– Audiofly (Flying Circus)
– Birds Of Mind (FR/Get Physical)
– Hedda Stenberg
– Nassim Mehran (Panterre Musique)
– Ito Cekaj & Rasange (Gbg/Trusted Tracks)
20 yrs / ID
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